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You're viewing Wii Fit Cheat Codes

Game Name : Wii Fit
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2008-04-03 17:20:57
Views : 23725

Muscle Workout challenges
Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding challenge.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Jackknife challengeGet a "Four Star" rank in the 10 Second Workout and 20 Second Workout.
Parallel Stretch challengeGet a "Four Star" rank in the 30 Second Workout and 60 Second Workout.
Pressup challengeGet a "Four Star" rank on the 6 Reps and 10 Reps.

New features
play the previous games or complete the highest amount of reps or do more Body tests.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Free stepPlay Step Plus Aerobics 2-4 Times
Longer Jogging RoutesPlay the highest one to unlock the next one up 2-4 times
Step Plus AerobicsPlay step Aerobics a 2-4 times
Tightrope AdvancedComplete Normal Tightrope
Tightrope Super AdvancedComplete Advanced Tightrope

Ulitmate Balance Test
At the statistics screen (The screen after you choose your mii), there is the balance board character running on a treadmill in the background. Click him with your pointer and you will be asked if you would like to participate in the ultimate balance test

Fitpiggy Colours
Earn enough 'Fitcash' by playing the various balance games and your Fitpiggy will do a little dance and change colour!
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Bronze FitpiggyAccumulate 10 hours of training time
Gold FitpiggyAccumulate 40 hours of training time
Silver FitpiggyAccumulate 20 hours of training time

By doing Body tests daily you can unlock new stamps
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
Heart Stampunlocked after 6 Body Tests
OK Stampunlocked after 2 Body Tests
Star Stampunlocked after 4 Body Tests

Ultimate Balance Test
Choose your Mii to reach the statistics screen. Notice the balance board character running on a treadmill in the background. Select him with the Wiimote to participate in the Ultimate Balance Test.

Tight Rope Walking
Accumulate 10 minutes in your Fit Piggy to unlock Tight Rope Walking in Balance games.

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